Connect Zoho to Other Software
One of Zoho’s great strengths is its ability to connect to non-Zoho software. For example, if you want to use Zoho CRM but you want to keep using QuickBooks for accounting, instead of re-keying invoice information between the two apps we can just set up an automatic connection in either direction. These inter-app connections are […]
Zoho One (CRM, Books, Projects, etc)
Zoho One is a leading cloud service that allows you to put your entire business online. This makes remote work a snap, and it can allow for the retirement of legacy systems. Zoho One is made up of dozens of component apps with different subscription pricing depending on how many apps you need. For new […]
Coding in Other Languages
If for some reason your project requires a coding language besides PHP, Crunch42 is also proficient in Python. For all other server-side languages, a third-party developer will need to be found.
iPhone and Android App Development
If you have a need for an iPhone or Android app as distinct from a browser-based web app, Crunch42 can help. If the app is relatively simple then Crunch42 can handle the app development. More involved apps or apps that involve video-game style graphics will need to find a third-party developer. Be forewarned that app […]
Graphic Design
The look of your website can have a huge effect on your customers. There are a range of options when it comes the visual design of your site. On the lower end are free templates, followed by cheap templates, followed by a custom design, and at the top end is a custom design created by […]
Email Hosting
Crunch42 does not provide email services. If you want something a little more robust than gmail, Godaddy Business Email is a great option. Sadly, Rackspace is no longer recommended.
Content Creation
Content makes a website. It should grab the viewer’s attention and direct them to the action you want them to take. There are many content strategies and some work better than others depending on your particular website and needs. While it may be tempting to think you can just fire up ChatGPT and ask it […]
Marketing & SEO
Having a great website is a good first step but without a solid marketing plan that great website is just going to sit there unused. Web design is essentially a branch of the marketing disciplines, and a website that is created on its own with marketing or SEO added later as an afterthought is not […]
Domain Names
Your website’s main URL ( is its domain name. In some cases you may want to purchase more than one domain name and have them all point to one site. For example, you can get,, and If you don’t already have one, Crunch42 can help you choose a good domain name that […]
Web Hosting Appropriately Sized for Your Business
Web hosting is the service that keeps your website online 24/7. Crunch42 provides reliable hosting services utilizing shared and dedicated servers (hosting computers). Crunch42 offers high quality hosting for $125 a year. If you already have your own hosting, in most cases you may continue to use it. If your site is very complicated, requires […]